Wednesday, November 24, 2010

OBX, Take 2

OK. So it's been 11 days since the OBX marathon. And I've yet to finish blogging about it. My apologies. Better late than never as they say. Here goes ...

The Friday before the marathon dawned cloudy and windy, just as the previous day had been. We went out for a couple mile run just to get the cobwebs out and get some fresh air, see the sites, etc.

Even on a cloudy day, a beach is beautiful. These were taken right out the back door of the big beach house we were staying in.

I stayed in the one on the far right
Breakfast was a free-for-all, and fun!!

Thanks for doing dishes, Rick!
Rick even caught me posting some pix at breakfast ...

After breakfast it was off to Jockey Ridge State Park to see the sand dunes.

Looks like John was our ex officio tour guide. :-)

The dunes were just beautiful. And other-worldly, really. You'd never know how close how close we really were to civilization.

I needed a little break after hiking through the sand, so I found the nearest bench. No matter that it was already occupied ...

Then it was off to Bob's Grill for some lunch before hitting the marathon expo.

They had lots of fun with that little catch phrase on the clothing for sale in the little gift shop area, as you can imagine. It was a fun place to eat. There were Tshirts covering most of the ceiling panels. Then off to the expo for our all-important race numbers (with built-in chips).

Then off to Kitty Hawk and the Wright Brothers museum.

They took off from the location of the monument. It took them three tries to get as far as would be considered "flight".

They flew in this direction. I don't think you can see the three stone markers in this photo, but they're out there.

Then it was back to the house to chill for a little while before dinner.

The beach was still beautiful.

Moments after this one was taken, a larger wave came on shore and soaked my shoes and my jeans up to my knees. Oh bother ... There was always someone around to talk to.

That evening I prepared salmon, whole grain baguette, roasted sweet potatoes and a salad. Delish.

Then, I made cookies for the troops. :-)

Like my One Tough Cookie headband? I do!!

Cooking and baking in an unfamiliar, randomly-equipped kitchen was a little bit of a challenge, but we made it work!!

I'm going to post this now as it's taking a while to autosave. Stay tuned.

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