Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Nuts and Bolts

I'll do a quick post on the nitty gritty going down in Rochester and then get back to the fun stuff ... more details on the Outer Banks massive road trip. :-)

Tomorrow: Join Team R.E.D. at the Bear's Den in Byron for a run/walk. Routes and mileage are posted on the R.E.D. website. It will also be a chance for a dress rehearsal for the Living History Farms race on Saturday, so bring your tutus, superhero underwear, or whatever and give it a test run/test walk. Tom O' will also go over some of the details of the trip. I ran 5 miles this afternoon and felt pretty good for 3 days post-marathon, so I think I'll be able to do some kind of run/walk at the Den. In a red tutu and long red gloves. :-)

Apparently I won't be the only one in a red tutu ... Joy and Dalene and friends after their tutu making party!

In case you haven't heard, Peg and Wally Arnold are once again directors for the Med-City Marathon. There is a Med-City Facebook page and I guess there was an article in the Post-Bulletin (I am again WAY behind on the newspaper and have lots of catching up to do). Let's give them our support and volunteer, run in one of the events, or if nothing else ... spread the good word about the Med-City Marathon!!

For those not running LHF, Off-Season Striders are gathering at Panera South on Saturday at 7:30. Here is a link to the suggested route. On the Saturday after Turkey Day, gather at 7:30 at Brothers (my fave!) for a run followed by breakfast. There is no Gravy Train run this year. On December 4 there will be a test run of the Lace-Up Against Breast Cancer half marathon route starting at the Mayo High School tennis courts at 7:30 AM. THANK YOU Randy McKeeman for staffing a water stop! Here is a link to the propsed LUABC route.

From Wally Arnold: Booker Mini Foundation 5K Friday Nov 26 at 12 noon. New location is Mayo Civic Center. Check out the  RTC race calendar for more info and to print off an application form.

Pam Stevens, a fellow River Runner, was interviewed by the St. Cloud Times about triathlon. It's a very good article and includes a video on tri transitions. Here's the link. Good job, Pam. :-)

Today's first post-marathon workout: I ran 5 miles this afternoon (ran to the Y plus one extra mile and lifted ... was going to swim but there were already 6 people in the two open lap lanes and I didn't feel like being #7). Tomorrow: run and swim.

My first birthday

As of yesterday at 2:08 PM, I am 50 years old. And I feel OLD. And tired. My birthday was a very quiet day. No crowds. No hoopla. No birthday candles to blow out. Nothing was happening in Rochester and I didn't have to work, so I spent the day in the cities doing some of my favorite things: visiting Trader Joe's, Penzeys, the mall (already decorated for Christmas with carols playing), eating good food, etc. A pleasant day, though the weather was quite cold and gloomy, and the cities still has snow on the ground. I just Googled a 1960 calendar and I was born on a Wednesday. The Mother Goose poem says, "Wednesday's child is full of woe". OK, here is the "woe is me part" ... the bummer about cyberspace ... not a single snail mail birthday card in the mailbox. I thank so many of you for the emails and Facebook birthday greetings. I am blessed to have many friends.

So now it's time to move on, into decade number five of this journey called life ...

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