Sunday, November 28, 2010


Just returned from a hike at muddy Oxbow Park. Slipped on some mud and tweaked my hammie. A couple times actually, but one was a real good one. I'm icing it and hoping that it feels better tomorrow. :-(

So ... this morning was 2.0 hours on the lovely Stairmaster. Got through 3 1/2 more magazines, but my "to be read" pile is still significant. It's likely I'll be back on it tomorrow as I don't think a run will be in the cards tomorrow. Maybe a swim though.

This afternoon I picked up trash around Soldier's Field bike path. With the strong southerly winds, there was trash o'plenty.

I brought 3 big trash bags with me and that wasn't enough. I found two bags along the way and filled those too, but I still had to leave without getting everything picked up, which made me sad. But 5 bags was all I that I could handle by myself.  In any case, it looks better than it did when I arrived.

After that it was out to Oxbow to join the hikers. A bunch of deer ran out of the woods and across the parking area just as we were getting started. I didn't get a good shot, but maybe Tom O' did.

Then it was time to get going ...

across the third bridge and into the woods.

As I mentioned previously, it was MUDDY. Footing would prove to be challenging.

Oxbow is pretty in any season ...

We stopped for a brief discussion about the best route to take to avoid the mud and a treacherous downhill slide.

Tom O', Tod, Aaron, Meg, Shelly, Ann, Wendy, Mike
Sometime after that is where I slid trying to jog uphill and tweaked the hammie. It was, and still is, sore. I'm hoping for some healing by tomorrow. Or Tuesday. The sun was going down as we circled the meadow.

The sunset was BEAUTIFUL.

We certainly took a little bit of the park away with us on our shoes.

4 miles total. Then it was off to Margarito's to warm up and rehydrate.

Tom O', Ann, Mike

Shelly, Wendy, Meg, Tod

Mike's first margarita ... the second was a frozen strawberry mango : )
Some people ... and their "kids". :-)

Team R.E.D. is tracking mileage and hoping to make it to the North Pole soon. So I've been emailing my mileage to Lori this week. I didn't know she was keeping track of individual mileage as well as total miles. She said I had 53.85 for last week. No wonder my legs were shot ...

That's it for today. Off to do more Christmas decorating.


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