Friday, November 12, 2010

OBX, Friday

Plans for the day started taking shape after our morning run and repast ... the sand dunes, lunch, expo and then the Wright Brothers memorial.

The dunes were just spectacular. And just a short distance from a very busy road. It seemed that we were in the desert, in the wilderness.

Then it was off to lunch at Bob's grill.

And then, the expo where we picked up our personalized race numbers.

My goal for the marathon? Finish. It won't be a PR. It won't be a BQ. It won't be anything close to fast. And hopefully, it won't be anything as close to as windy as it is today!!

The consensus was to have our own personal pasta feed here at one of our little beach houses tomorrow night, so I'm going to be in charge of preparing pasta and associated sides for 50 or so friends. Dave Phillips, Pam, and Dave's brother and his wife will also be joining us which will be fun.

Having a blast, and lovin' the road trip. :-)


Unknown said...

Your day went about the reverse of ours as we took in the same sights, just different order. I thought our townhome was spectacular until I saw your description. By the way, it is my two brothers plus my wife. The wife of my runner brother couldn't make it due to a health issue with their daughter.


Julie said...

Great pictures:)