Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

It's the last evening for All Comers' for 2009. I'm not able to be there this evening and I must say I miss it. Those little kids are so darn cute! They try so hard, run as fast as they can, and make their parents so proud. It's a win/win for everyone involved. Kudos to Laura Lenz and David Sletten for organizing the meets this year. We didn't have even one beautiful summer evening the last six Tuesdays, but that's OK too. We still had fun. There's a pizza party for volunteers following tonight's meet.

This year marks 40 years in existence for the Rochester Track Club. I got an email from the founder, Dwight Pierson, and he plans to be at the club potluck picnic on August 20 and will share some stories about the club's history. Some others who have been longtime members might also be there. Let's have a great turnout! It's at Soldier's Field park this year.

From Paul Christian: Registration for the 34th running of Grandma’s Marathon began Monday, July 13. For the first time in its history, Grandma's Marathon is offering an early registration option that features a $10 discount off of the $85 entry fee. To receive the discount, runners should log onto GrandmasMarathon.com and register anytime between July 13, 2009 and September 7, 2009. In addition to receiving a $10 discount and securing a spot in the 34th annual Grandma's Marathon, scheduled for June 19, 2010, each person who signs up during early registration will receive a package of coupons and discounts from area hotels and attractions.

Rochester Half Marathon and 5K notes of interest: Here's a map of the course. Shirts are technical this year, and sized generously. We need volunteers! Lots of them! Email Jean if you can help out in ANY way. We need you!! I received 8 water bottles/holders yesterday from Fuel Belt as giveaways for 8 lucky runners.

The ending to my Graniteman story: Sunday night, about 9:45 PM after a long day, I unpacked my swim bag only to find out that a bottle of shampoo/conditioner had opened and about 2/3 of the bottle had emptied into my bag. Ugh. What a mess. I guess the upside is that my swim bag is now super clean.

I looked at my run and bike to see how I placed in my age group and overall.

Bike: 45:49 for 15 miles (18/127 overall, 5/39 in my age group)
Run: 23:24 for 5K (19/127 overall, 3/39 in my age group)

(I didn't look at the swim. I already know it isn't good.)

Today's workout: 1 hour in the pool and half an hour on the Stairmaster. I'd wanted to go for a bike ride, but it was raining at the time. Tomorrow.

Yesterday, I dropped off cookies for the "cookie monsters" at the Y at noon. Don Gabrielson and I were in our work clothes. KC thought we needed our picture taken.

So I thought KC, Jim and Gary ought to have theirs taken as well. Looks like they're getting ready to do a high kick routine!!

Ross Hamernik showed up a few minutes later, so we chatted for a while. (I know ... me, chat? Shocking!) Mostly about airplanes and triathlon. ;-)

It's time for me to start thinking about what to enter in the fair this year.

I'm still bound and determined to finally get a blue ribbon for Chocolate Chip cookies. I will try once again. Shaun Palmer says to enter my Snickerdoodles. I will also most likely enter the HyVee Chocolate Baking Contest again. (Last year ...

I won--$35!!) Little did I know that the more comlicated the recipe, the better. I was thinking just the opposite ... So I have to look for another complicated one for this year.

Today I went and picked (tart) cherries at a friends house. He said I could pick everything there was. I picked all the ripe ones I could reach with a 6' step ladder. I'll go back in a few days when the rest of them ripen. They're a boondoggle!! I'm sooooooo happy to get them. I asked Matt if I should make jam and a pie. He said "3 pies". :-)

Tonight for dinner I made a BBQ chicken pizza. Matt and Ted went to a friend's house for wood-fired pizza last night. They had lots of leftover crusts and Jay sent 5 home with them. He gets the crusts from Mr. Pizza. So it was: BBQ sauce, chicken, red onion and mozzarella. Pretty good, actually.

Cooked it in a hot oven on a top shelf. Also made some Brussels Sprouts.

Well, I'm all out of news for today. I think I'll go mow the lawn.

Thought for the day: "Friendship is a cozy shelter from life's rainy days".


1 comment:

Suzanne said...

I've been thinking about the Bulgar Salad with Edamame and Cherry Tomatoes ever since you mentioned it was on your Cooking Light dinner menu. Made it for dinner tonight, minus the mint, and plus some chopped cucumber & yellow pepper. Delicious! It was hard to stop eating.