Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chicago, Chicago ...

What a wonderful road trip weekend. Loved it. I just don't have the energy right now for a long post, but I'll post a few pix from my 20-mile run this morning in Waterfall Glen forest preserve. There's about a 9.6 mile loop on a gravel trail and we ran 2 loops, plus a little bit more. It was just a beautiful run and I felt really good. Best long run since the injury, by far. For the first time, I felt like I could stride out and that was a great feeling. I'm really not having any hamstring issues right now. Just need to work on speed. Here's a few of the wonderful views from the run ...

I'm so glad to have gotten in another 20-miler before Outer Banks.

I'm so frustrated with these Vikings ... seconds left. Anything could happen.

More, much more, tomorrow. I visited the schools I attended as a kid, my church, my childhood home, my best friend's mom who still lives up the street, lots and lots of downtown Chicago. Tune in tomorrow.

Good night.

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