Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Just a little update before the day gets rolling. My right side is sore today: hip, knee and foot. I was running through my cramps and my feet and legs were in all these contorted positions, so I'm not at all surprised. But it will work itself out with time I know.

 Last night I was a starstruck runner as I had the opportunity to have dinner with Ryan and Sara Hall, Josh Cox, and Bart Yasso (along with about 50 other people). It was such a thrill to meet him. What a nice guy. Really down to earth and humble. And he sure didn't look sore after running a spectacular 2:08 Boston Marathon. I had him sign my race number.

 My friend Nikki asked him about his nutrition plan on race day. He stops eating 3 hours before the race. He eats sourdough bread and olive oil, drinks Cytomax and takes 2 gels during the race.

Ryan, me, Sara

Bart is a runner and writer for Runner's World. I've met him a couple other times. He is VERY funny and has so many funny stories to tell about his running life.

Me, Bart, Tim
Josh is a runner, was on People's 50 most beautiful people one year, and was on The Bachelorette one season.

Kalli, Josh (super white teeth!), me
Then we had some totally awesome dessert at Finale.

I had a chocolate sundae.

The others had equally divine looking fare!

Well, I'm going to meet Nikki and Kalli downtown and then at 5 pm, catch the train to Portland, ME.I made reservations at a hotel right on the ocean. So I will satisfy one of my New Year's resolutions ... that of visiting a state I'd never been to before. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, but there's nothing I can do about that. I'll just have to pop open my umbrella and make the best of it!

Enjoy your day, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, and whomever you are with. You only get one chance to live out THIS day ... so make the best of it!


Anonymous said...

Yum! The Sundae looks much better than your usual Kwik Trip long john (no sprinkles)!


Julie said...

Thanks for sharing the great pictures Renee:) I am glad that you are having a good time!

Jean said...

Congratulations on your fantastic finish, Renee! That is absolutely awesome. Way to go! And yum! Wonderful looking food!

And how cool to meet Ryan Hall. Everything I have read about him indicates what a terrific person he is.

Recover well!