Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's Almost Time

(Updated after initial posting)
 In just a few hours, it'll be time to head downtown to Boston Common to catch the school buses for the ride out to Hopkinton. And a few hours after that, my Boston Marathon 2010 story will have been written. Well, almost. Played out, and waiting to be written. I'm so hoping for a good story this year. I'm not expecting a fairy tale, but a happy ending would be most welcome.

One of the coolest things about this race is the Blue Angels flyover. It's really emotional. When the planes arrive downtown on Boylston Street, the spectators know that the race has begun and 28,000 runners have begun their journeys from Hopkinton to Boston. And they each will have a story to tell. And they'll all be different even though we're all running the same race. We each have a different story as to how we got to Boston. And we each will have yet another story to add to our life's "book" when the day is done. To Monday's runners: may your run bring satisfaction, victory of some sort, and fulfilment of your goals and dreams.

I found out today that I've been invited to a dinner with Ryan and Sara Hall tomorrow night. I am sooooooo excited to meet him. Some of my friends are running for their new foundation and I've been invited as a dinner guest. I think this will definitely be a highlight of the trip for me.

Saturday brought a wonderful evening for me. I ate dinner with Lionel and Carolyn at Eastern Standard.

It's a very nice restaurant. We had a fabulous time catching up with each other. It was so very good to see them again. We talked all the way through a delicious dinner ...

(I broke down today and bought a cable for my camera. I couldn't stand not being able to post photos) ...and then we walked down to Carolyn's amazing apartment. The walk down ther took us past Fenway Park.

She has what has to be one of the best views available in Boston. She lives on the top floor (17th) of her building and it's one of the tallest in Boston. Her unit is on the corner and she has two walls of glass providing an amazing view of the city.

On the walk back, the famous mile 25 Citgo sign was there as a reminder of what tomorrow morning has in store for us.

Our little 26.2 mile footrace. :-)

I stopped at the expo again today and of course ... I saw someone I knew! Dave and Marcia Morrill and family.

As much fun as I'm having meeting new people, it's also great to see familiar faces. I also stopped in The Prudential Center (shopping) as I'd seen that there was a lululemon store there (Bri!). But, I didn't get anything. There was a fun, funky pair of workout pants, but they were $98!! And I'd already splurged and bought a pink skirt and top at Run N Fun in the cities, so I ixnayed another splurge. Then it was off to the Boston Red Sox game this afternoon. It was drizzly, chilly and gloomy, but it was still a wonderful treat to be in Fenway park with all it's history and traditions.

And with that, I'm going to close my post for today. I'm starting to drag and I want to be well rested for tomorrow's little adventure.

Quote for the day, which is lyrics from a Disney Cinderella tune:

"A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling thru
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true."
Sweet dreams.


Julie said...

Hi Renee,
What a wonderful post with fantastic pictures! I love Boston:) I am glad that you are enjoying yourself! Good luck tomorrow...I know that you are going to do great! Remember to enjoy every step:) I will be cheering for you from Minnesota!

Andyh said...

Best of luck tommorrow Renee. Obviously the running gods are on your side, your going to meet Ryan Hall. Tell him hi for me! You will certainly be in my thoughts tommorroe @ work and my run after. POST SOON!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are looking good at the half! Keeping going!


roentgen said...

Have a GREAT race Renee! It was wonderful to catch up over dinner :D