Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pray tell. What next.

Not a good day. I went for a run at 5:15 with Lisa, Mark and Bruce. All was well 'til we got up by Bruegger's. My toe caught a dirty clump of ice frozen to the sidewalk and down I went. Hard. My left knee caught most of the impact. It's amazing all the thoughts that can go through your mind in the 2 seconds it takes from being vertical to horizontal. Kept bleeding the 4 miles back to they Y, though there was no pain. There is now, due to the swelling. But it can bear weight just fine so I'm hoping I'm still going to make it to the start line in Hopkinton.

WARNING: This little slideshow contains photographs of actual blood. The contents may not be suitable for young children. I was told it was suitable for public viewing, however.

Here's an article from the NYTimes about the 'Runner's High' passed along by Mike Schmitt.

12 of us from Rochester are going to participate in the Ragnar Relay in August. Team members are: Mike Schmitt (captain), Suzanne LaPalm, Judy Weller, Kit Hawkins, John Shonyo, Laura Lenz, Todd Rowekamp, Tom Williamson, Renee Saxman, Pete Schommer, Angie Haugen, Lin Gentling. It's a 215-mile 24-hour/day stage race from LaCrosse to Minneapolis. I think it will be great fun.

Let's meet Mike Schmitt, RTC board member and all-around nice guy.

Jessica and Mike Schmitt at the Chicago marathon. Must not have been 2007. They have way to many clothes on.

Family? Wife Jessica, Son Benjamin 2 1/2 and yes we all run!

Hobbies? Running ;-), cooking, computers, backpacking, traveling

Languages you speak? English, German, and I "get by" in various other languages.

How did you get started in running? I was living in England and got bored.

Miles per week on average? 30 or so off season, 50 or so in season

Your defacto, comfortable as a broken-in shoe training route? West River Parkway, to the Zumbro River, down to Broadway and back home - 4.75 miles - Perfect!

How often do you run it?

Favorite carbo loading food? Rice Noodles usually in the form of Pho soup

Favorite indulgence food? Beer and ice cream - never together - yuck!

Next race? 112th Boston Marathon

Running goals? To inspire others the way I've been inspired to run the best you can everyday.

Running dream? To run all the World Marathon Majors ( Boston, London, Berlin, Chicago and New York City ) 2 down, 3 to go :-D


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