Thursday, May 26, 2011


What a beautiful day!!

So I spent as much time as possible outside. Early morning brought a trip to the office, on foot. 4.00 miles from door to door so 8 miles total. Junk miles, but that's OK. I've already done speedwork, a 22-miler and hills this week. Then after breakfast it was off to HyVee for groceries, flowers and landscape bark. Then my brother's house for rhubarb and a visit with the kiddos. Then Struve's for some paint. I put another coat of paint on the hallway ...

Looks yellowish, but it's actually kind of caramel in color
before cleaning the brush and roller in preparation for painting the service door to the garage. But first ... time outdoors. Planted some more impatiens in the front, trimmed some dead branches from the Japanese tree lilac, weeded and spread more bark on the landscape. It was just wonderful to be outside.

I'd just gotten the paint on the service door when it was time to meet Ann for a bike ride at 6:30. My legs didn't have too much, but it was a fun ride nevertheless. Out toward Byron then back through Salem Corners.

Me ... yes I'm riding while I took this!


I was certainly looking forward to coming home plopping down on the couch, eating my salad and blogging. :-) But first I put another coat of paint on the door. :-)

My son Matt is riding the MS150 to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis. I will unabashedly plug his efforts to raise money. Here it is.

Until tomorrow ... good night.

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