Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day 2009

Me and My Trashy Friends

Happy Earth Day 2009! The RTC did it's part to clean up one little piece of Mother Earth by picking up trash around Soldier's Field golf course. There really wasn't too much today but it did look nicer for having been picked up.

Pictured left to right: Jean Murray, George Huston, Sam Rowekamp, Laura Lenz, Abby Rowekamp, John Shonyo, me, Mary Wernstrom, Jim Martinson.

Whizzing by a couple of times on his roller skis was my buddy Henry Walker.

Running by with the Wednesday night crew from Running Room were daddy-to-be Rob Mitchell and fresh off the 2009 Boston Marathon in his super bright shirt ... Chris Chen. Chris ran a 3:07. He said the weather was perfect -- 40's. He's also writing a story for the RTC News for me. Thank you Chris.

They were shortly followed by ... Henry Biar, Judy Weller and Karla Behringer.

Triathlon News

Our merry little band of swimmers met again this morning early at the Y. Pictured below are Jason Gilmore, Judy Weller Melissa Gorvin, me, Shaun Palmer.

Melissa has made so much swim progress in one week. We are all very proud of her!! And thank you Vicky Snyder for taking our photo.

The wetsuit. People had told me how much more buoyant you are with a wetsuit on so I filed that information away in my memory bank. Today was my inaugural swim with the wetsuit on. I could tell immediately upon getting in the water that there was going to be a difference while swimming in this thing that made me feel like an overstuffed sausage! There is absolutely no way I can gain any weight and still fit into this thing. I normally have the buoyancy factor of a lead sinker on a fishing line. But the wetsuit just popped me right up to the surface so I was definitely swimming "flatter" than without the suit and that felt different. I could also tell the difference in warmth. And speed. I normally swim 43 or 44 laps in an hour. Today I swam 51. Then I biked 19.64 miles.

Others that have just decided to try the tri ... Kelly, staff member in the fitness center at the Y and Mike Schmitt. You guys rock!! We're gonna have some fun!!

There is a kids triathlon in Rochester on Saturday, May 30 at 9:00 am at Willow Creek middle school. Information and registration available at Members of the Rochester Family Y get a $7 discount if registering at Enter scholarship code: Health This offer is good thru April 24. All participants receive a T-shirt, back sack and medal.

Fetzer This 'n That

If you placed in your age division and didn't stay to get your medal, you can pick it up at Running Room if you live in Rochester. If you live outside of Rochester, it's been mailed.

Leftover clothing items will be at Running Room until Monday.

Look for a little Fetzer story and photos in the May Running Room eMagazine.

On the Home Front

I signed up for a T-shirt quilt class at All In Stitches in Stewartville to be held on Thursday evening, May 7. I've got soooooo many race T-shirts and have often thought about making them into a quilt. This will hopefully get me started, or at least get me the information to get me started. I know it's going to be hard to cut up some of those shirts, though.

I spent a little part of the day today doing some yard work, getting the leaves cleared out from the bushes where they get caught while blowing around in the wind. And I trimmed the dried up flower heads from the hydrangeas and cut back the spirea bushes. So bring on the budding leaves!! I'm definitely ready.

The twins are presently managing to fall way behind the Bo Sox for the second time today. :-(

Enough for today. 147 hits yesterday. Whoo hoo!!

Quote for the day: "A friend is one before whom I may think aloud." --Ralph Waldo Emerson


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