Saturday, February 14, 2009

Trifecta, Part 2

What. A. Rush. There aren't words to describe what a rush it is to jump into 32 degree water. We were getting psyched out waiting around to jump in. But ... it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, though it did literally take my breath away for several seconds. It was a bit of a struggle to get it back. And it was a bit of a struggle to get out of the water due to the sludge on the bottom. But we all piled into a hot tub and then a sauna and we were nice and toasty warm before we really knew what hit us! What. A. Rush.

Here's Lionel's video of our plunge: Video And Lionel's (actually Carolyn's) photos: Photos

Lionel did a terrific job of posting on today's events. Check it out!!


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