Starting in mid to late October are clinics at Running Room . The half marathon clinic will be targeting the Lace-Up for Breast Cancer Half Marathon in February. The Learn to Run, 5K and 10K clinics are targeting the Resolution Run on January 1. Instructors are still needed for the clinics. Stop down or email Dan if you're interested in leading a clinic. Help your fellow runners or runner "wanna be"s achieve their goals!
From Tom O'Leary: A link to coverage of always smiling Haile Gebrselassie's world record (2:04:26) marathon in Berlin last Sunday. Tom indicates that the link covers the entire race. I've not viewed it yet, but will check it out for sure during some down time.
From Jim Benike: A photo of the summit of Mount Blank, France. Spectacular.
Spotted running at noon yesterday, Jim Postier, Priscilla Smith and Jim Benike. Priscilla will be leaving Rochester for parts unknown on Monday. Boise? Philly? We will miss her.
Happy birthday in October to the following RTC members: Trisha Adamson, Rob Anglin, Aaron Benike, Larry Burgart, Jenny Bushman (milestone), Jim Clennon, Kathy Demmer, Laurie Drake, Gary Dutton (milestone), Brian Erwin, Carol Gordon, Jon Heil, Chris Koch, Don Morrison, Ivy Pike, Carol Prescher, Glen Recknor, Michael Reed, LeeAnn Schafer, Tom Spackman, Henry Walker, Stephen Weigand. Happy birthday one and all!
My son who's in Spain has been in class for 3 weeks. Now they have a "break" and he's off to London, Ireland and Portugal for 10 days with his newfound friends. Life is rough. :D For J-term he's going to German, Denmark and Iceland. Life is really rough. :D
Thought for the day: "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless." --Mother Teresa
Have a good weekend, runners one and all!
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