Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Summer is winding down

Well, it's back to school for Matt this week, so we know the end of summer is just around the corner. One thing I won't miss is the 3:00 am phone calls ... 'Where ARE you?' The air was thick and heavy for this morning's run. I do look forward to a lessening of the humidity that comes with the fall months.

Congrats to Judy Weller (who's running, or has ran, 100K today...see yesterday's post) who ran a 5 minute P.R. marathon Sunday at Leading Ladies Marathon in Spearfish, SD on Sunday!! Our 30K running buddy, Betsy Baartman, also ran her first marathon at Leading Ladies and finished very well, right in the middle of the pack.

Tomorrow, Thursday, is the RTC Picnic. You can still RSVP to if you're planning to attend. 6:00 at Slatterly Park shelter. Bring a dish to pass.

From Carlo Biondolillo: Type in your name at athlinks and you can get a list of the generally available race results for yourself out on the web. I see my race times steadily getting slower and slower and slower ...

Well, I wrapped up the newsletter (finally) and just got back from dropping it off at the printer. It should be printed and ready for assembly next week. Look for info here and the RTC website as to when it will be assembled. My house, but the day and time are TBD.

It's time to start thinking about nominations for RTC Runner of the Year. Qualities we look for: someone who is an inspiration, cheerleader, motivator. Someone who achieved a goal or overcame adversity in their running. It is not a volunteer award, however. We have other awards for our wonderful and faithful volunteers. Runner of the Year nominations can be sent to

Well, Ragnar Relay commences on Friday morning. With everything else I need to get done, I haven't had much of a chance to think about it or start packing. There is another team in town consisting of: Jay Gatzlaff, Jody Weckwerth, Ann Peter, Dave Peter, Craig Weckwerth, Kevin Lenz, Reggie Oeltjen, Patty Gerber, Brenda Clarey, Mona Geise, Tim Geise, Tim Gerber. Their team name is 'Ragnar? I thought you said “Ray’s Bar”'. Reggie does not claim ownership of the name. :) Our team consists of (first 6 ride in one vehicle, second 6 ride in the other): Laura Lenz, Mike Schmitt, Lin Gentling, Angie Haugen, Pete Schommer, Todd Rowekamp, Judy Weller, Suzanne LaPalm, Renee Saxman, Paul Christian, Tom Williamson, Lionel Cheng. Our name is "Lost in Pace".

My next door neighbor, a neurologist, contacted the folks in communications in the Dept. of Public Affairs at Mayo Clinic about me running Boston after having back surgery at Mayo (and pancreas surgery as well). They contacted me this week and I guess I'm going to be interviewed by Vivien Williams (former anchor on KTTC) for a story on Medical Edge Television.

Ran our usual 8-mile route this morning with Mark, Lisa, Bruce. 'Twas very sticky, heavy air. So it was just an OK run for me. Sightings: Ron Giles and Jason Sinnwell on Elton Hills Drive near 52, Joann Johnson near Slatterly on her bike and Pete Schommer at Soldier's Field.

"It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret." --Jackie Joyner-Kersee

Stay cool. I'm off to can some salsa. First batch of the season.

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