Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Still a fish out of water ...

Sigh. The appliance repairman came today and has to order a new relay board for my range. Sigh. That means at least another week without an oven. Sigh. The Ragnar Relay and long run troops may have to remain cookie-less. This could be ugly. Sigh. Unless I beg some oven time from a friend. Sigh.

Another beautiful sunrise this morning. These colors lasted just a few short minutes.

Congratulations to RTC members James and Kerry Rosane on the birth of son Bo in the wee hours of the morning today. Bo weighed in a healthy 9 lbs 5 oz. Mom and son (and father and brother!) are doing just fine.

From Kelly Lyndgaard: Study says runners live longer. What better reason to keep doing what we so enjoy doing!

From Mike Schmitt: Sweepstakes to win a chance to view the NYC marathon as a V.I.P. Now, wouldn't THAT be fun?

From Lionel Cheng: 10K in WI October 25, hosted by Dean Karnazes (Ultramarathon Man). It takes place on the Kettlemoraine Trail. There are other, longer, events the same weekend. Here's an active.com link.

Don't forget to respond to David Sletten if you're going to attend the picnic on August 21. More details on RTC website.

From RASC: ESSEX PARK Bruce Walk and others have started work this summer on the trails at Essex Park. You can see an update of the trail work at http://rasc.multisportsystems.com/page/show/41792. Bruce is looking for volunteers who may be able to spare a few evenings over the coming month to help with trail clearing. If you are interested, please contact him at bmwalk@aol.com

Here's a link to a the actual NBC footage of that fabulous 4 x 100 men's freestyle relay swim the other night. Excitement seems to be 'de rigueur' for the 10:30 pm time slot. Last night, the US men were performing some spectacular gymnastics, particularly on the high bar. Here's a link to a page containing the high bar finals.

From Runners' World: LEG CRAMPS. OUCH. Your muscles are seizing up big time. SCIENCE Electrical impulses in the muscles have gone haywire, causing rapid contractions. CURE Stop and stretch. Scientists are unsure of exactly what causes cramps, but it's not as simple as electrolyte imbalances or dehydration. Now that's an understatement!!!

Our dinner last night at Kelly Lyndgaard's home was delicious. I have no particular favorites as everything was a favorite. The chocolate marshallow cookies were a take-home item and I haven't tried it yet. But everything else was a keeper!

Tell me, and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand. --Native American Proverb

Happy trails.

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