Sunday, August 24, 2008

Oh What Fun It Is To Run!!

This will be a very brief post, but suffice it to say that Ragnar Relay was a BLAST!! The first run was a definite challenge with the oppressive heat and more than that, the humidity. But the most awe-inspiring and memorable run was the 3:30 am (or whatever ... I seemed to not be making my way through the day by clock time, but by where were were in the cycle of running legs) leg. Pitch black sky lit only by stars and an occasional farm light or passing vehicle. One or two other runners that I passed were the only signs of life. Quiet. The strong winds we'd experienced earlier in the day had subsided and all I could hear were my own breath and footstrikes. Memorable to be sure.

Other Rochester-ites spotted at various Ragnar relay excanges ... Andy Shulha, Jodi and Madison Bates, Brandon Bungum, Kevin Torgerson.

More tomorrow. Time for more much needed sleep.

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