Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday's Strides

Nice, if a bit humid, morning for a long run. You could sure tell where there had been hail and where there hadn't been. Our neighborhood was in the 'no hail' category which means, hopefully, that our garden plots also didn't get hailed on. My tender little plants wouldn't have fared very well, I'm afraid. After I post, I believe I'll head down there and see how things are 'growing'.

From George Huston, Jean Murray's husband: The world's weirdest footraces. Indeed. The visuals on a couple of them make me want to blush. Or turn away. Or something.

Very nice article on All Comers track meets in the paper last night. It's free so bring the kids on down for a rip roarin' fun time! All volunteers are welcome as well. Tuesday, 6:00 PM, Soldier's Field track. Sign the waiver before your children run, please, so plan to arrive early.

I watched the spelling bee on T.V. last night for the first time. Quite impressive. I don't know if I'd have gotten even one of those words right. They're very serious about their spelling.

There were at least 15 of us at Dunn Bros. this morning, which was great. (I'll try to remember all the names, but I know I'm short a couple: Jean Murray, John Shonyo, Dan Strain, Marilee Hardyman, Dawn Boynton, Tom Williamson, Tom Woo, Chris, Priscilla Smith, Laura Lenz, Kristin Zhao, Mitch Baures, me, ...) All different paces, all different number of miles run, so there's something for everything. Consider joining on an upcoming Saturday morning. Look for location either here or the RTC website. All are very welcome.

I ran to Dunn Bros from home (3.5 miles) then ran most of the 10-mile route with the group. K.C. Reed and Jim Martinson joined us shortly after we started out for a mile or so. Also spotted on the run, Dave Morrill @ Dunn Bros, Al Gilman on his bike, Kit Hawkins on 37th St NW and then again at Running Room. There were a couple more, but they're escaping me at this point. All in all, a good morining.

Have a great weekend!

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