Monday, May 12, 2008

Wow, there's lots going on!

Hope all you moms had a special day yesterday and are now ready to face a new week head on!

Thank you to Steve Shepard of the Houston Striders, a fellow newsletter editor that I've gotten to know at the two RRCA conventions I've attended, for the photo above. I'm giving my 'acceptance speech' at the banquet. Pictured behind me are Jean Knaack, RRCA Executive Director, and Jessica Sleight, RRCA office. I can't remember saying anything that was funny, but something must have slipped out ... Steve and his wife Barb are going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and go on a safari this summer. Wouldn't that be a trip...

Here's another photo from Steve. A better photo of Dick Beardsley than I got. I sent off an email for the fun of it to see how much it would cost to have him come speak (at the annual banquet). Needless to say, it's WAY out of our budget. I was just curious ...

The TriRochester club holds weekly track workouts and any and all runners are welcome to join them. Meet at Running Room at 5:30 pm on Tuesday, run around the golf course for a 2-mile warmup, then it's off to the track for speedwork (although occasionally they do hills instead). You can join them in their workout or do your own workout.

From my son, Matt: Texas team claims state track title — with 1 girl on the team!!

Unfortunate news regarding Chris Koch's first marathon: He crossed the finish line first in 2:45, but was told 30 minutes later that he'd missed 1.25 miles of the course and was DQ'd. The second finisher came in at 2:57 so if he'd kept pace he'd easily have won. (Apparently the course was poorly marked and the lead biker disappeared at 5 miles and reappeared at 24). Chris said he'd write an article for the July RTC News. Chris and his fiance Tabitha are new RTC members.
From Jessica Jirele: I am running Grandma’s this June and I have an extra hotel room on my hands. I was hoping you could pass the word around your group to see if anyone is in need of lodging for the weekend – June 20th and 21st, Days Inn - $205 + tax/night.

I've found another RTC member who has a blog: Lionel Cheng. He does a great job as well.

Want to preview the Chester Woods course? Come out to the park at 4:00 pm on Sunday, May 18. Meet at parking lot 1. Jim Mason says that the plum trees are coming in to bloom.

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Roll & Stroll will take place on Sunday, May 18 at Soldier's Field. Registration is at noon. The walk begins at 1:00 pm. Questions? Contact Wendy O'Leary . Let's cure juvenile diabetes!

From Michael O'Connor (Rochester Active Sports Club):

We are about to sign a legal agreement with the City of Rochester that will allow us to develop a trail system in Essex Park similar to what we have at Quarry Hill. Hopefully this agreement will be completed in the next 2 weeks. We plan to start work on this project this summer - how much we will have completed by winter is hard to day, but I think it would be an ideal venue for a trail run/race this fall if sufficient trail is ready. FYI - there is one monster hill on this trail which will be a real attention getter for running and ski races. We will also have access to an old barn that has heating (part of the agreement), so I think we will have a place for registration for races and a warming hut for winter skiing.

I will post full details of the agreement once the city has agreement to it.


I found out yesterday at church that Wallie's Gardens, my favorite nursery, south of Oronoco, has closed. Jerry, the owner, passed away over the winter. They had an absolutely fantastic selection of flowers and vegetables at very reasonable prices. I'm not sure where I'll be taking my business... ;-(

Went for a run yesterday. 3 runs in 3 days. That's been a LONG time in coming. Today it was back on the Stairmaster for an hour so my thighs get even bigger. Sightings yesterday:

K.C. Reed ...

and Conner Reed ...

and the progress on Hadley Valley School at the History Center.

Then I saw John Dinusson heading out for a bike ride ...

And then I met Paula and Shayna. They ran in from Byron ... A good day for sightings!

Last night, I was sitting on the couch at about 8:00 reading Marathon & Beyond ...

and I just couldn't stay awake. Matt said, 'Why don't you just sleep? That's what I do when I'm tired.' Did we raise a genius or what?? So ... I laid down on the couch and slept! Finally went upstairs just before 10 and turned on the Twins' game on the radio. What an exciting finish (vs. the Bo Sox). But the Twinkies pulled out a 9-8 win. It was a bit questionable in the top of the 9th however.

I've only got two more profiles to post. I'd welcome them from any of you readers! Today, let's meet Mike Willard:

Family? Married 35 years to Barbara, 3 daughters Heather, Heidi, and Tracey… (2 in Rochester and one in Phoenix, AZ) and 3 grandchildren. (I'm sorry ... but Mike does not look old enough to be a grandfather of three!)

Hobbies? Running, landscaping, reading

Languages you speak? Wish I were bi-lingual… but alas.

How did you get started in running? 20+ years ago, to reduce stress.

Miles per week on average? 25-30

Your defacto, comfortable as a broken-in shoe training route? Mayowood trails and Silver Lake trails

How often do you run it? Weekly and sometimes daily during good weather

Favorite carbo loading food? Pasta! Spaghetti

Favorite indulgence food? Chocolate

Next race? Likely Spring Classic

Running goals? Staying healthy. Regrettably staying healthy and quick recovery is not as easy as it used to be!

Running dream? Successfully run Grandma’s Half for the next 10 years!

Thought for the day: "The highest wisdom is kindness." --Talmud

1 comment:

Steeeve said...

Just stumbled in. This is an *** incredible *** blog! See you in San Francisco if not sooner...

Steve Shepard