Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Pat's Day!!

I'm 100% Norwegian, but I can pretend to be Irish for a day! However, I'm not wearing green, don't plan to drink any beer, and corned beef and cabbage aren't on the evening's menu...

Speaking of the evening menu: It's Cooking Light night. We're at RTC member Pam King's house. Gracing her table will be:

Edamole (appetizer--Barbara Kermisch, husband of RTC member Amos)
Oatmeal Knots (RTC member Barb Giles)
Spicy Stir-Fried Tofu with Snow Peas, Peanut Butter, and Mushrooms (Pam King)
Wild Rice and Barley Salad (Margo)
Apple Upside-Down Cake (Kathryn)
Cinnamon-Orange Creme Brulee (RTC member Kelly Lyndgaard)
Wine (me)

I just had my photo shoot for the P-B article for 3/26. I made cookies (above). I posted the recipe within the last month---toasted pecans, ground oatmeal, ground pecans, chocolate chips, ... Loaded. Fully loaded. Fully delicious.

Well I think I have iliopsoas tendinitis from what I can gather. Hip flexion is what hurts (lifting my leg, going up stairs, etc.) Symptoms sound spot on. I am much improved today. But I think I'll take the week off from running (meaning I'll skip Wednesday) and see if I can run Saturday and not be in some kind of pain on Sunday. My fingers are crossed.

Here's a link to photos of the Stair Climb taken by Hiromi Walleser. She will also be at the Fetzer taking photos.

I finally got caught up on some of the T & F I'd taped in the last month. During the Boston Indoor they showed footage of the U.S. Cross Country championships in San Diego. They were held in Mission Bay, where I ran a 15K last March. Very pretty spot. It was fun to see it on T.V.

From Jean Murray: Beer Run on Thursday, March 20 5:30 pm at Beetles. Come for the run, stay for the fun! Mileage is usually pretty low. It's not really about the run ...

Here's the design for the Fetzer shirt. They're long-sleeved, though.

New website for the Chester Woods Trail Run. Check it out!

Here's a link to a Prevention magazine article about Rochester being a walker-friendly city. Thank you to Chris O'Brien for passing it along!

Here's a link to information about the National President's Challenge. It's meant to encourage regular activity of any sort and provides a means for tracking it and offers rewards for your accomplishments. We might be setting up a 'Rochester Track Club' group. Look for more information in the News on the website. Meanwhile, let's all get (or stay) active!

New Nike Need Motivation? ad

Hershey's has a Track & Field program for youth. There's a state meet held in Sartell, MN this summer. June I think it is.

Let's meet K.C. Reed, race director for the Rochester Half Marathon and 5K, second from the right in the photo below (from left Steve DeBoer, Jim Martinson, K.C., Don Gabrielson):

Family? Three sons Chris, Andy and Conner and Cindy

Hobbies? Volunteering (of late) and running

Languages you speak? Only English, I hated French

How did you get started in running? I had asthma and the more I ran the better I felt. I haven't quit since 1970.

Miles per week on average? 25

Your defacto, comfortable as a broken-in shoe training route? Nothing specific, I like to mix up the routes, just ask the guys at noon, i sometimes will suggest we run a route in reverse and does that ever screw up their traditional mindset!

How often do you run it? Whenever we get a little bored running a route, or they are at a loss to pick a route, I'll throw one in to go in reverse.

Favorite carbo loading food? simple pasta, spaghetti

Favorite indulgence food? a weakness for pancakes

Next race? Fools Five, I have to try to beat Renee this year.

Running goals? Twin cities marathon in 2010 with a bunch of guys that all ran together in the middle 90's

Running dream? Having young legs again

Thought for the day: "No one can defeat us unless we first defeat ourselves.' --Dwight Eisenhower

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