Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Great Day

(Some of my St. Cloud River Runners race team ladies: (front) Linda, Wanda (back) me, Anita, Denise, Kate, Cindy)

Just a quick little post for now. I HAVE to finish the RTC newsletter. I had a pretty big 10K PR at the Get In Gear 10K today ... about 3 minutes. I've not run many 10Ks however. I was very pleased when I got to the finish line to say the least. (GPS stopped mid-run) Here's the stats (thank you Tom Woo): bib number: 2321 age: 48 gender: F location: Rochester, MN overall place: 246 out of 3419 division place: 3 out of 127 gender place: 40 out of 1766 time: 42:45 pace: 6:53

My GPS stopped at 4.18 miles for some reason. I don't know if I somehow hit the stop button or what, but it is what it is. Here are my first 4 mile splits: 6:43 6:52 6:59 6:50 Then I heard my 5-mile split which was 34:27 (another PR, for 5 miles) So mile 5 was 7:03. I did however, slow up to take my shirt off in that mile. Assuming I held my pace a steady pace for the last 1.2 miles, which I felt like I did, those 1.2 miles were 6.55 pace. I felt like I was running comfortably hard, but within my capabilites and not out of control, so it was pretty fun.

Hopefully, more later. If not today, tomorrow. :-)


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