Here's a fun Fetzer photo (say that 10 times fast!) from Bonnie Distad, Trevor's mom. Pete Gilman on the left in the yellow/black adidas gear was 2nd (by a nose) and John Heitzman (just to the right of the sign post) was first.
10 state records were set at Fetzer (single age, not age group). Go to RaceberryJam and click on Results then go to Fetzer 20K. They're in red in the results. Congratulations to everyone that ran so well. (Wally Arnold, Kevin Torgerson, Larry Pederson, Jean Murray, Dave Morrill, K.C. Reed)
The Rochester 1/2 Marathon committee met this evening. We're in need of a head honcho, someone who's willing to oversee everything (there are lots of capable people working on individual facets of the event) and be the final decision maker. Lots of fingers were pointed my way at the meeting ... I'm feeling myself getting sucked into the race director vortex once again ... yikes. I just don't know if I'm up for it. I'd rather give someone else the wonderful opportunity to lead this first class event!! Also, the course needs to be redesigned. It's been 10+ years since the last certification and 20th St SE is going to be extended east to Marion Rd and the 4th St SE bridge is going to be replaced this summer. We're considering lots of potential courses. We're meeting at my house on Sunday 4/19 at 6 pm to discuss. If you'd like to provide input, or are just curious, feel free to join us. 2026 Kal Lane SW. Let me know if you're coming. So far, it'll be Kevin, Larry, Dave, K.C. and myself. We need some more gals!!
I had a good swim this morning. 10:02 for my first 1/4 mile and I decided to look at my mile time which was 45:16. I haven't paid attention to the mile splits in the past but I think I'll keep an eye on it just out of curiosity. I decided was going to try to relax in the water today and low and behold, I was faster because of it. Who'd have thought it ... not I!! Still really enjoying the swimming.
Volunteers are needed for Spring Classic (contact Jean Murray) 15K, 5K and Kids' 1Mile and WinterBeGone! Duathlon (contact Bill Nevala). These events can't be held without the help of volunteers so please consider giving back. I think you'll enjoy it! I'm running Spring Classic and volunteering at both events.
Rooms in Duluth for Grandma's: The non-profit Northern Communities Land Trust members and supporters are again opening their homes on Grandma's Marathon weekend. Proceeds support their mission. Check the website for more information.
I haven't read the newspaper since Thursday, so I think I'll wrap this up. Sounds like we could hit 60 degrees tomorrow. Enjoy.
Thought for the day: "Friendship is a cozy shelter from life's rainy days."
Until next time.
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