Friday, April 24, 2009

88 Degrees

88 degrees at the airport today. Unbelievably warm for April. A record high to be sure. Shorts and flip flops for one more day!! Power raked the lawn this afternoon and I ended up raking up all the grass that the machine pulled up. My hands are now blistered. But it's good to get the job done. Then I decided to plant some violets.

They're so cheerful. I still have to buy my seed potatoes and onion sets and then get them and the peas, broccoli, kohlrabi and lettuce planted. Once again ... so much to do, so little time. But most of it is "optional", nothing I absolutely have to do. Just stuff I really want to do!

I swam this morning as did Judy. She had a PR swim for the mile. And she wasn't wearing a wetsuit! I am very happy for her. After running a PR marathon in Illinois a couple weeks ago, getting a new bike, and swimming very well I think she's going to have an excellent triathlon season! You go girl!!

Bill Nevala still needs volunteers at the WinterBeGone! Duathlon on Sunday. I'm helping him out at registration and the run in/bike in transition area. If you can help him out, please email him at or call 507-206-4294.

Then I'm heading for the Y pool at noon to get Mike and Shaun introduced and in the pool as Mike is trying the tri too! Then from 1-3 the self defense for women class. Then, if the weather and my body feel like cooperating, I'll try to get my "long" run in. I'm aiming for 15 this weekend. If it doesn't happen, so be it! It looks like I'm done with the long runs at the RAC for the spring season, which is sad, as I miss my running buddies! May 2 I'm doing the 15K at Spring Classic, May 9 the Lake Wobegon Marathon, May 17 the 10-mile run at Chester Woods and that's it for the long runs at the RAC. After Med-City, I believe the Off-Season Striders will run on Saturdays until the fall season runs at the RAC ramp up sometime in July.

If you're going to be in Wisconsin late June, take a look at the Badger State Games. It looks like something comparable to the Star of the North Games with Track & Field, 5K run, team sports, etc. Star of the North is in St. Cloud this year the same weekend--June 27/28.

Lace Up Against Breast Cancer is developing a website. The first peek is available at Check back often for further developments!

My running buddy Tom O'Leary and his wife Wendy are once again heading up Roll and Stroll for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. It's taking place on May 17 at Soldier's Field and sounds like a lot of fun. And it's a great cause. Check it out!

TriRochester (Rochester's Triathlon club) is having their monthly social get together on Thursday 4/30 at Glynner's Pub. I believe I'll check it out ... the last one was a lot of fun!

I had a bunch of bananas that got ripe and needed to get used up so I ended up making 3 batches of banana bread today, and made 4 loaves with each recipe. Four have chocolate chips, 4 have walnuts, and 4 have both walnuts and chocolate chips (my preference). Each of the gals on my St. Cloud River Runners race team that are going to Get in Gear in the morning will get one to bring home. :-)

I also made a pan of Chewy Chocolate Chunk Bars bars.

They will serve multiple purposes: post-10K treats, some for Matt and his roomates and for after the self defense class.

Yesterday evening I went to a Wildtree products tasting at Sonja Kranz's home.

The products are natural and have no additives, preservatives, MSG or food dyes. Everything was very tasty! I told Sonja I'd have a tasting at my house on May 19 (Tuesday) at 6:30. If you're interested, give me a shout!

Time for me to chill. The Twin are leading the Indians (another losing team!) 5-1. Oh well, a win is a win I guess.

Live well. Love much. Laugh often.

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