Monday, January 3, 2011

Some Enchanted Evening

What a beautiful evening for a run. An inch of new snow. Very pleasant January temps (upper 20s). Not too much wind. A spur-of-the-moment 4 PM run from Brothers was organized and I decided to join in and run down there (2.2 miles) and run with them and then run home (a total of 12.05 miles). So, my total for the month is already 38+ miles. And my legs/hammie feel great. :-) This morning I lifted and swam a mile and a half. Team R.E.D. is now running to Cuba and to get there, we need to log 75 miles of swimming (as a group). I'll do my part. Oh ... last night I rode the bike trainer for an hour. Great fun. It was great to be pedaling again. There are so many workout options each day ... run, bike, swim, lift, Stairmaster, snowshow, ski. It's hard to choose.

Got the santas put away and the snowmen up.

I was cleaning out the office and found some old photos. Here's one of me in the back of my Grandpa's bike:

Enough for today. Good night all.

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